SOS children's Villages in Kenya promotes quality education for all school age-going children irrespective of gender, race or cultural background.
We are committed to ensuring that children and young people under our care have access to quality education. In Kenya we have 4 Kindergartens, 4 Hermann Gmeiner Schools - and 1 Technical Training Institute. These institutions are also open to the children and young people in the community.
Education programs are specifically designed to address situational barriers that hinder attainment of learning outcomes, transition to different academic paths and retention. We implement education programs in partnership with the Ministry of Education, local authorities and other service providers to promote service delivery and learning for all children. The program has embraced and ensured the use of the government approved curricula in early childhood development, primary, secondary school and vocational training.
The education programme has been quite successful in terms of access, equity and support for the youth and children. 100% of the children who completed primary and secondary education in 2020 have transited to the next level of education; secondary, universities, vocational training institutions and other colleges. A total of 6,118 children and young people have been educated as a result of our interventions.
Education in Kenya has undergone transition in terms of curriculum change in the last three years and teachers were trained on competency based curriculum. The vision of the new curriculum is to empower every Kenyan child to become an engaged, empowered and ethical citizen. This is to be achieved through provision of excellent teaching, school environment and resources, a sustainable visionary curriculum that provides every learner with seamless, competency based high quality learning that values every learner. In SOS Children's Villages in Kenya, we invest in quality teachers who are the key to successful child-centered and relevant education.
Parents are responsible for their children's education. They are important partners for teachers in the development process and schooling of their children, particularly in early childhood. The parents in family care (FC) and FS programmes have been trained on positive parenting and discipline and early childhood development to be able to provide comprehensive nurturing care to the children in our target group.
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food, shelter, protection, child friendly spaces,
health care, education and other essentials for
children and young people at risk.
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